In the early 1974s, some eminent persons like Sh. K.D. Gupta, Sh. J.K. Bajaj, Sh.Suresh Jain, Sh. M.A. Abichandani, Sh. Sushil Kumar Arora and others formed an association in Panchsheel Enclave to promote and encourage dance, drama, music, poetry and allied creative arts amongst others. With co-operation, shared wisdom and salubrious inputs from the colony residents, they formed a Society namely “Holiday Club”. Then they applied for a place from DDA and finally acquired a plot of land in Panchsheel Enclave.
After acquiring the land and surmounting a whole slew of problems, they built a building for their dream Club. The Club in the late nineties, possessed a beautiful design and architecture and commenced functioning. Thereafter unabated endeavours continued to bring about a very copious accretion to the club infrastructure and facilities - both primary and secondary. The Members of the Club whom we regard as our premier most stakeholders have been the major contributors for Club’s mission accomplishment. With their support and cooperation, the Club has striven hard to reach its present exalted position and the very pinnacle of glory.
About Holiday Club Society
Holiday Club is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) as in force in the Union Territory of Delhi and shall be governed by the provisions of the said Act having registration No. S-7352. This Club is an elite and prestigious Club of South Delhi having its registered office at Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi-110017. The Club is formed on the principles of mutuality for the benefit of its members without involving any activity of commercial nature with the objectives to provide a common place for the members for recreation, entertainment, participation in various indoor and outdoor games, discussions on matters/topics of mutual interest, participation in various social activities and promotion of feeling of unity and cooperation amongst the members, to promote education, knowledge and awareness amongst the members and their families, to promote fine arts and culture, organize dance, drama, music concerts, play competitions, exhibitions, cultural programmes social functions and celebrate various festive occasions, to promote all types of sports, games and pastimes, to maintain a well equipped bar, kitchen with highest level of cleanliness and hygienic conditions for preparation of nutritious food and refreshment for its members etc.
After acquiring the land and surmounting a whole slew of problems, they built a building for their dream Club. The Club in the late nineties, possessed a beautiful design and architecture and commenced functioning. Thereafter unabated endeavours continued to bring about a very copious accretion to the club infrastructure and facilities - both primary and secondary. The Members of the Club whom we regard as our premier most stakeholders have been the major contributors for Club’s mission accomplishment. With their support and cooperation, the Club has striven hard to reach its present exalted position and the very pinnacle of glory.
About Holiday Club Society
Holiday Club is a Society registered under the Societies Registration Act, 1860 (Act XXI of 1860) as in force in the Union Territory of Delhi and shall be governed by the provisions of the said Act having registration No. S-7352. This Club is an elite and prestigious Club of South Delhi having its registered office at Panchsheel Enclave, New Delhi-110017. The Club is formed on the principles of mutuality for the benefit of its members without involving any activity of commercial nature with the objectives to provide a common place for the members for recreation, entertainment, participation in various indoor and outdoor games, discussions on matters/topics of mutual interest, participation in various social activities and promotion of feeling of unity and cooperation amongst the members, to promote education, knowledge and awareness amongst the members and their families, to promote fine arts and culture, organize dance, drama, music concerts, play competitions, exhibitions, cultural programmes social functions and celebrate various festive occasions, to promote all types of sports, games and pastimes, to maintain a well equipped bar, kitchen with highest level of cleanliness and hygienic conditions for preparation of nutritious food and refreshment for its members etc.